When I saw Rachel I kind of thought that she was really going to help us in how we can focus more in our game what really matters and how we can focus on the things that really can help for our game to stand out of the others game.I'm doing Education because some students think that not doing their homework is correct and they think that they are still going to a special place and that not doing their homework is not going to get in their way,but they are wrong because the teachers do their job for them to pass the other students,and doing their homework requires for you to pass.An educational game can be a game that can really matter to the school because it is really,I think that an educational game is really like getting more into the school and that is a really interesting game like the other ones,but that is a reason why I chose for my own decision.What I think of Globaloria they really cared of us because they really believe in every single of you that we can actually do a game and that they believe that it's going to be outstanding.Globaloria is really caring for me because,they are really expressing their feelings for us because they really believe in our work that we are doing and they really shows of their hard work for them to let us to do that game.I think that everyone of us will be really successful with our game and that everyone will love it,and that we are going to show alot of interest in our game, so this is how I'm thanking them for them to help us,"Thanks for coming into our school and for showing us a way that we can focus on more of our games,and for giving us ideas that can help us through out our game project,so I know that you are really caring and believe on us,so thanks alot for your explanation that you gave us,and I hope that I will succeed with my game!