Saving Species Of Planet Earth
Some people are getting the adaptation to not care of what what happens to the wildlife in many places.Some animals are endangered already.The majority of them are the leopards,since there are only 30 species left around the world.Some of the reasons they are being endangered is because poachers are poaching other animals,and because of the loss of their habitat.Polar Bears are very rare because they are chasing after the walruses and because they are very endangered because ice caps are being melted,so now Polar Bears are in danger because if that keeps on happening,then they will probably die because of too much water.There is maybe scarce of animals because they said in the video that the Golden Frog is now extinct and they had also said that the Forests Elephants are smaller in population than the Savannah Elephants too.Well the animals that are endangered now maybe they are aprehended because too many of their species are now disappearing.Many people use conservation to help many of the species in the rainforest because it's not like we need the elephant most,but we need all of them species because every single of them have an important thing in themselves.The animals need sustainable living because if they don't have it they will die from not eating anything that they are used to eating.There are many things that are natural resources and we want to use them properly because in now days this world is changing,so quick that people don't know what's happening to it.The human population has been changed too because not many people care about something that it's really important and that we have to do something about because animals don't get count off,they also help us,so it's not really fair that animals do something for us,and we don't do something for them. It's time for us to make a difference in some places,and because it's our Earth,and the only one that we are ever going to have,we need to take care of it.Lets make a difference around the world!
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Ana O. 6 2010
Well,since I have my 8 game ideas,I am also interested in putting some additional resources in the game,so I think that I am most interested in Pollution and Natural Disasters.I'm really interested in them because those 2 topics are very common all over the world,so I thought if we make the game about those 2 topics,it will be an educational game because you can't just pick your game about Global Warming,you have to know about it and you have to like create it,so others can play it,so it' not just playing the game,it's about thinking about it make it more realistic,and I think that way they will notice what is happening to our world.I think that I am going to do Water Pollution because in all over the news there has been many problems in the wate6r and even animals spred all over the news,they have been contamintaed by other fish that they were already contaminated.Natural Disasters happen in many other places too that's why I picked it too!
Monday, September 27, 2010
Ana O. 5 2010
Possible Game Topics
These are some game topics websites that I found on
I will begin researching different topics found on this directory to help me come up with more
game ideas that I would like to focus on
I also went to:
I went here to help me come up with more game ideas that I would like to focus on
I chose these 8 because they have to do with issues like disasters why do they happen,diabetes what caused you to have diabetes,and earth disasters.I like working on social issues in the game because they make the game to make more sense and what is the purpose of playing the game like,will you learn anything from it,or can it help you get an idea of why is the Earth having so much trouble on getting cleaned.I thought that these topics will help our game to be successful and be educational for other people.
These are some game topics websites that I found on
I will begin researching different topics found on this directory to help me come up with more
game ideas that I would like to focus on
I also went to:
I went here to help me come up with more game ideas that I would like to focus on
I chose these 8 because they have to do with issues like disasters why do they happen,diabetes what caused you to have diabetes,and earth disasters.I like working on social issues in the game because they make the game to make more sense and what is the purpose of playing the game like,will you learn anything from it,or can it help you get an idea of why is the Earth having so much trouble on getting cleaned.I thought that these topics will help our game to be successful and be educational for other people.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Ana O. 4 2010
The genre that I'm interested in is,puzzle.I'm interested in puzzle because they are really fun to play and because it makes it challenging for others.I want to make my game idea really challenging because not only the game is to be played,but maybe the player can learn from it,so that's why I think that the genre puzzle is very useful to other people because it makes the player think a lot and have a hard time figuring out the answer.Puzzles are not really easy to figure it out,so I think that if they play my game on whatever my game is about,it's not going to be easy if I have chosen puzzle for genre because I'm good at solving puzzles,but even me I still have a difficult time thinking of it.That's why I really thought that if I make a game about puzzle,it's going to be good because not everybody likes puzzles,but they can solve it.The Genre puzzle can be very useful too in the future because if you are playing this game then it will help you in the future and in many places.With the help of the game that is about puzzle you will be very good at puzzles!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Ana O. 3 2010
Al gore-An Inconvenient Truth
- My thoughts about the documentary,it was kind of scary because when I started seeing it,and you know what's happening in the world because of Global Warming,they tell you things that I wouldn't even imagine.I also liked it because mainly you are being like informed of what this man is telling us and why does this happen.It was really good to watch it because many people don't know what's happening if we are just causing this Global Warming.
- What I think about Global Warming is that we should protect our Earth,so Global Warming wont cause disasters and wont kill us because there's a lot of heat.I really think that if we are going to prevent Global Warming to not cause any damages,we are helping our Earth to be more clean and be in a a secure environment.
- The information that I heard from the documentary was like I said scary,but with a lot of information that will help us see and learn what is going on with Global Warming outside of our world.With that Information we can make changes to our world.
- What we can make to prevent this destruction is to inform people and tell them what is going on outside of our world,so they can know how Global Warming can be dangerous,and if we just give up on our world,then Global Warming is going to continue on and on because every time we use chemical gases we are increasing Global Warming.I think that we gcan make a difference if we change our world.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Friday, September 3, 2010
Ana O. 1 2010

-The Red Hills-
This picture was taken in August 31,2010 in the red hills.The motor was designed mainly for flight.I really liked the picture because you can see clearly that it is mainly for flight and for being fast.You can see the smoke coming out and the fire because of its powerfull strength!
This picture also inspires me because it helps me know what I want to be when I grow up which I'm planning to be a meteorologist or a cosmeotology anyway it really helps me what I want to be in the future.
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