What is your team name?
Our team name is The Changers.
What is the name of your game?
The name of our game is Look Up At The Animals.
What is it about?What scenes have you completed?
Our game is about saving the species that are being endangered by many harmful things such as pollution.We have completed all scenes that are in our game and that includes all 4 levels.
What parts of your team page are completed?
All of the parts in our team page are completed and one of those are the resource page,the Primary Game Scene,the Secondary Scene,the Final Scene,and the Additional Scene where you have your losing and winning scene.
How much more work do you need to complete?
We don't really have more work to complete because all of our scenes are completed,so that means that we have all 4 levels have been finished.
What can you do from now until Friday to get everything finished and turned in?
Well,what we can do to accomplish those 2 goals is that,we can check in the Game Gallery again to see if all 4 levels are finished.When we have checked that everything is in its place,we can just tell the teacher that we are finished and that we are ready to get started for what other people think about our game.
What grade would you give yourself in Gloabloria overall?
In my opinion,I would give myself an 100 because I've worked diligently for this team to get it where it belongs.We have done many things that are hard to do,well not hard anymore because we learned many stuff,but we as a group have worked diligently.
What are all of the things that you have learned in Gloabloria?
I've learned many stuff in Globaloria this year that I didn't learn in 6th grade.I've learned how to work the codes out and how to make them work.I've learned about to make the code work,you need to put the object an instance name and many many other stuff.
What are you proud of in Globaloria?
The things that I am proud of in Globaloria is that,I've finally learned how to work the codes out,I know how to use or treat the computer properly,and most of all,I've learned how to put our game together.Since last year in 6th grade,we didn't actually had the opportunity to put it together,now I know that putting a game together is pretty easy!
How can you improve next year?
Next year I think is going to be more cool because our game is going to have a better game concept or meaning the genre and social issue.Also,we our team next year,are going to improve by making the game more real like when you play real games in the computer.Actually that's the thing that I have been thinking about,thinking that,how is next year going to be like?