Monday, November 26, 2012

Add Hidden Objects

What was it like to program in Flash for the first time?
Well, it hasn't been for the first time, but I guess it was easy. Adding hidden objects is one of the things that I like doing in Flash because when it comes to putting the codes, it's something fun. I think that when putting the codes, it's really frustrating when you are just beginning, but if you're like me: once knowing what to do for every object, it's a piece of cake! Most people are like that, they might have trouble with it for the first time, but of course, if they keep practicing, it will be incredibly easy for them.

What kind of game action would you like to add next?
Well, I would love to start by actually having codes where the player can actually find the hidden object games. I think that when you get a jump start with the code, it will be easier to when the game is due. Plus, if you don't like the way you did something, you can always go back and edit whatever you don't like. 

Monday, November 19, 2012

Draw Background

What it was like to draw your background in Flash?
Well, drawing my background in Flash was kind of hard and kind of easy. I mean, drawing in Flash is what I like the most, but putting the codes can be a little frustrating. Well, I drew the background and the objects, but I wanted to do more than just a simple scene, so instead of making the objects movie clips, I made them into buttons. Yeah, I have to admit that I kind of forgot how to make the buttons go to another scene and for them to not be repeated in the same scene, but in the end, I started to experiment, and yeah, I only did 3 objects to make them into buttons and go to another scene. I think that the most difficult thing, was to make the buttons go to another scene. I think that I did a pretty good job completing this assignment, but if we had more time for when it was due, I assure you that I would've made the background even cooler! I know I'm no expert in Flash, but if you know like the basic things, then you can make an object do anything!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Post-Election Day 2012

Well, was your prediction correct? What do you think about the results?
My prediction was correct because I knew that Barack Obama was going to win. Well, let me be honest. I knew that he was going to win, but towards the end, I started to get worried because Mitt Romney started to get lots of votes in other states such as, Alabama, which voted him for 100%. I'm really not surprised because Obama has been a good president since he became one. He has proven in the debates that he is awesome when it comes to competing. He clearly wants to change America and that's what we all want! Well, the results were actually shocking, like I said, Alabama voted for Mitt Romney 100%. In the end, Barack Obama won! YEAH WE WON!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Paper Prototype 1

What did you learn from creating a game with paper and pencil?
Well, I myself learned about staying healthy while I was drawing some of the pictures. I researched on healthy breakfast and I found an Egg McMuffin, but it turns out that it has too much of calories. Wheat bread it way better than white bread, and I've noticed that when you eat white bread, it gets stuck to  your teeth...something that is deeply annoying! Actually, yes, I did learn while I was drawing the Paper Prototype. In another way, planning your game with paper and pencil is way better that to just put them into play. When you are planning, you are also brainstorming and you want to put a lot of ideas, that while you are working, another idea comes to the top of your head! With paper and pencil, it's easy to imagine your game.

What was easy about drawing your hidden object game? What was hard?
Well, for me, I think that drawing the unhealthy and healthy foods were easy because I have chosen to eat healthy in real life. You could say that I kind of know what is healthy for you and what not eat all the time. A real problem is to not eat much of one food. For example, hot cheetos and takis. That was probably hard for me. When I eat cheetos, I didn't eat like just a pinch, but I ate the whole bag which was...not acceptable! The hardest thing was when we had to decide what will be going on when the Primary Game Scene was in play because we had like a ton of ideas.

What do you need to still add to your game?
Well, we need to add the instructions scene, the winning/losing scene, maybe the credits page, and of course other levels, if we decide to make more.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Frankenstorm 2012

Do you know anyone that lives on the North East?
No I don't know anyone that lives on the North East.

How about in New York City?
I also don't know anyone that lives in New York.

If you were to make a hidden object about Frankenstorm, what would the setting for you game scene be?
Well, I guess that I would use the setting of where the supers storm occurred. I think that if I would choose that setting, I think that the players will have more interest in this game because from what I have seen, players also like real-life stuff.

What ten objects would you hide?
I would put: humans, transportation, the city, buildings, streets, rocks, a lot of water, snow, hail, and destroyed objects.

What kind of information would your player learn from playing the game?
Well, the player will learn about facts about this storm. I think that if they learn from it, they will know what actually is going on around the world. That even though we are not in the place where the storm took place, we are aware of what we don't want to experience.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Choose a Learning Topic 1-5

1. My big subject area: Eating healthy

2. One really important thing I learned about this subject is: To stay healthy, doesn't mean to give up one food. It means that we can eat it every other day or week, that leads to balancing our eating habits. We want to have a balanced dies because we sure don't want to give up one food. That's what staying healthy requires.

3. People should learn: to obviously eat and stay healthy. Why? As they always ask me why, I answer, because food is the center of our life. Without food we would die out of starvation. We need every food to get the nutrients and energy into our bodies. We surely don't want to worry if we have a high cholesterol or diabetes, so that's why I say that we should learn how to eat healthy, so that we wont have any trouble with starting.

4. My hidden object game will teach people: to start eating healthy and balance your eating habits. By that I mean that we don't want to eat chips all the time if we want to balance our diet. Instead of chips, let's eat a carrot. Instead of drinking Gatorade, let's drink water.

5. Title of my game: Stay healthy, Be healthy.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Plan Game Scene

Well, I imagine a girl/boy, character, saying,"I am hungry, but what should I eat?" Well, as you can see, the main goal of the game, is to be healthy by eating healthy foods. That means we should balance our eating habits, so that we don't get one type of food. Obviously, we want for the character to choose something healthy, for example, if it was in between a tomato and some candy, the character will have to eat a tomato. Well, this is simply an idea or a vision of my game. The thing that most excites me is that I will be putting drawings and the code, so that the game can be interesting and educational for players at the same time. I also like the topic that I am focusing on because this is something that we should all do in our daily lives. Food is something that we need, like I said, it's the center of our life because we need the nutrients in our body. These are some of the things that I personally think.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Choose Learning Topic

Well, I chose this topic because it's something that is really important to me, by the way. Well, I am doing this because I have family that has problems on staying healthy. I chose this topic because to me staying healthy is something that we should all do. Why? Like I said, food is the center of our life. Without food, well we wouldn't be living, we wouldn't have our energy or nutrients in our bodies. Staying healthy doesn't mean to stop eating one food. It means that we should balance our eating habits. It doesn't mean that if we eat one chocolate we are going to gain 10 lb. It means that we can eat one piece of food every other day or week. I have some ideas that I can put into this game: Find objects that don't belong in this scene
I chose this rule because it fits perfectly with my topic: Eating Healthy. Well, we all know that eating healthy requires a balanced diet. I can make a scene where the character is like saying that he/she is hungry. Then they would say," What should I eat?" They will have 3 different choices like, salad, pizza, or takis. The best choice would be a salad. Another idea is that when the character goes to the grocery store, he/she puts groceries in the cart. There would be like for example, hot cheetos, apples, milk, or snickers bar. You would eliminate the chips and the candy because the bar and the chips are not healthy. Well, these are some of the ideas that I have for when I am putting one of the rules of a hidden object game. Another one can be that there is a refrigerator and you have to eliminate the items that are bad for your health, maybe like sodas and candy because they have a high percentage of sugar. After that, then you can throw them away to the the trash. I will have much more ideas, so that the game can be a fun and entertaining game!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Get Well Malala

I created this is Flash Ana Orozco 10-16-12

Friday, October 12, 2012

Malala Yousufzai

Who is Malala Yousufzai?
Malala Yousufzai is a young Pakistan girl that wants to have an education. She believes that educations is really important to our lives. She is a very determined and a courageous young girl because she really wants to become a doctor. She was also shot in her head and neck because Taliban had heard what does she want to do. It's obvious that they would want to do that because they hate education, they want to get rid of it, but shooting her because she wants to be someone in life, is not reasonable! It's like saying I like pizza, and they shoot me?!? That is just not fair and it's not even human, but I do understand that there are mean and evil people.

Where does Malala live?
Malala lives in Swat, Pakistan.

What are the problems that Malala and her people face each day?
Men want to stop education by guns. Girls are not supposed to go to school on January 14th because if they do, the guardians will bring them consequences. They are always aware of what the Taliban will do to them. They actually shot her through her head and in her neck! That is like really sad because they think that women should not be leaders. Who would think that? Everybody is supposed to be equal and everyone should deserve the education that they need. Why destroy the dreams of a young girl that wants to have an education and become a doctor?!? Those people don't have a heart because it's something serious and something tremendously good to dream big. I admire Malala because all of us should be raising our voice and dream big like her. I also am determined to keep on going because even though that there are going to be barriers in this world, but with great dedication and effort, everything is possible!

Concluding Thoughts...

Why were Malala and her father so overcome with sadness and happiness when they returned to their home in SWAT Valley?
Well, they were obviously sad because everything is like destroyed! The things that they most love were destroyed! When they had returned there was also happiness because of the school. It was partly destroyed, but still there. There were the desks, the announcement, and the spirals with notes! This was something tremendous for Malala because she will get back to her studies and do what she most likes.

What items was Malala most excited about finding when she returned home?
When Malala returned to her home, she was most excited about finding books! Why? Because she likes to study, write, and read. It's something that we should all admire because even though her circumstances are very harsh, we still want to continue with the stuff that we most like.

Why were these items so precious to her? What do they symbolize?
These items were so precious to her because she just loves them! She loves to do the most important things when it comes to studying: reading and writing.

When did the school reopen?
The school reopened on July 13th, but many other schools were destroyed.

How many schools remained closed?
200 other schools remained closed.

What does Malala now want to be when she grows up?
Malala now wants to become a politician, instead of a doctor. Why? Because her father and her believe that she would make a great politician. She would change the rules and stand up for what is wrong.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Last Day to Register

I created this in Flash 10-09-12

Friday, October 5, 2012

Presidential Debate

Tell me about your thoughts on the first Presidential Debate that took place last night.
What issues were brought up by the moderator?
Well, last night that I saw the Presidential Debate, there was only one topic that they were focused on and that was: the economy. Other topics such as, the environment, the war, the tax code, the education, and the health care were brought up during their debate. I heard that Obama wants to invest education. Romney describes what he wants to do to do America. I remember that he wants to have a balanced budget, energy independent, more trait, have skills in education, and the one that he really wants to do is make small business.
What did you understand? What was confusing to you?
Well, to be honest I really didn't understand what both were saying, but I did get that Obama really cares about education. I didn't really get the part where they were saying that about the Social Security and the Medicare. It was like so confusing to me because I got lost when Obama was saying that about the entitlement. When Romney was saying that he doesn't want to make that much of changes, but on Medicare retirees and then cutting down $16 million, etc.
Who do you think did a better job of expressing their views and plans for confronting the social issues affecting our society today?
 I really don't know who did a better job of expressing their views and plans for confronting the social issues affecting our society today. Why? Well, because in the first place Romney and Obama were talking too fast and it was like so hard to keep up to what they were saying. Second of all, when Obama was speaking, Romney would interrupt. Third of all, I am not sure because the next morning, my grandma and me were watching,"Despierta America," and they were saying that maybe Obama lost the debate because they were saying that he was supposed to concentrate on the public, but he was mostly concentrating on what Romney's argument was. Well, I don't mean to offend any of the voters who will choose their candidate, but I don't think that none of them, supported their plans. I just don't prefer Romney because it's really not fair that he doesn't believe in immigration. Some have said that he does, but not illegally. That isn't fair either because some people search for the quality of life, meaning a better life. They only have one choice: come to the U.S. and get a job to support themselves or support their family. Well, hopefully that whoever wins, "changes America."

Friday, September 28, 2012

Play to Learn Part 1

Name of the Game: Coming Home. What kind of ideas did you get for your own game? Well, I was thinking of putting a story behind my game, so that makes the game more interesting. I was also looking at the graphics because I have noticed that when people play games, the drawings in the game brings up their interest. I also noticed that there was a lot of animations, like the sun and the clouds moving. Last year I created a game about the Presidential Race. I think that if I put animation in that game, it will result as an educational game. Also, Election Day is almost close! November 6, 2012! I can add more things to my game, so that when they play my game and then choose their candidates, they will know what it is about and who are they going to choose. Well, the designer rewards me from keeping playing by having the good graphics. Like I said, when there are good graphics, the player's interest grows and mine did. I also liked that there was drag and drop and that lets the player do something in the game.This game teaches me prefixes and suffixes. I really liked this idea because maybe some players don't even know what they are or maybe they are having a difficult time knowing which ones are which. Well, you could say that I had a difficult time what to do because the objects, for me, were hard to find. At the end, I did notice the clock that it had a word. I think that this game would be educational for students that are in middle school because they will find the topic interesting. I would make this better by adding like 2 more levels because that would make the game more challenging. I guess that students that are advanced may find this fun.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Danger of a Single Story

1.) What does it mean to have a single story about a community or place?: To have a single story means that every person has their own perspective and that they think that you are this person, based on what little they know about you. For example, when people think of African Americans, they think that they are poor and that they starve. Well, that's what people hear, but when it comes to knowing what they are really like, you are wrong.

2.) Describe a single story you have heard told about your community. What is missing from that story? How could people learn about that community?: Well, I have heard adults and other people to not go to LBJ High School. They say that it is a bad school because they have a bad neighborhood. People say that, but have they been there? Do they know what it is like? They are just making assumptions about the school. I'm really not going to say that because I haven't experienced the school. Now, if people have been there and they say that it is a bad school, that's another thing.

3.) Describe a single story you have heard told about your community. How did you learn that story? How could you find out more about that community?: Another thing, is that people say that the East Side is the worst side to live in. They say that there are lots of black people and that people drop out from school. Well, the East Side is good, where some people live. Some people can't understand that there's not enough money to buy a house and pay the rent. I have learned to appreciate what you have because other people in other places, don't even have money to eat.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

A New Year

Well, my school year has been quite good! I am enjoying the classes that we have this year because they're really not boring, they are really fun. I really like all the teachers because they care about your education to be successful in life. I also get along with my classmates, which is good because it's also up to the one who is learning, to actually pay attention in class. I am certainly learning a lot in all my classes, especially in World Geography. I say that because I have never liked social studies and learning about the places in the world. I guess that when you are focused when they are talking about a specific topic, you understand it better because you are just in it. That is actually one of my personal goals to accomplish in all of my classes. I'm not only focused in my Academics, but in Sports too! I am interested in Volleyball and Softball. I have been in Volleyball, so I know what kind of training we are going to have, so you could say that I am kind of used to that. I really hope that I can make it on the team! Well, I'm still not sure about Softball because they say that it's kind of a difficult sport. I am worried about that. Well, this time I am going to listen to my friend's advice: at least you tried. Some of us are kind of mad because the rules kind of changed, for example, not wearing skinny jeans. I somewhat agree with that because some of them are tight and they say that it's not college prep clothes. On the other hand, I disagree because they said that in Friday's, we take a rest from those uniforms. I guess that we can wear them too because it's only 1 day of the week. The least thing that I am going to pay attention to is, what people think. I'm really not that type of person who cares how I dress, look, walk, because it's just not important and if you go to school, it's because you go there to learn. I need to remind that to myself because sometimes I'm insecure of myself. Anyways, I hope that this semester or even school year, ends up being a good experience being in High School!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Monday, May 21, 2012

Local Kids Make Games

I thought that the article was really amazing because it really talks about us and how we, being young still, are creating our own games, based on the Social Issue that we picked.Well, Like I said, I really was amazed because not only they were talking about how great our school is by having Globaloria and making our games, but my game was included called, "Race to the White House," which I think is fabulous. Anyways, we are a very exemplary school for others to follow, since I think we are beyond the stars. As I said, I was so proud of myself because on the first day of school, I had many resolutions, and one was to make a playable game for other people to play and then make it to the Globeys. As you can see, I did make all the way, and for that, I am very honored and I have the privilege to see that my game was included in an important article where people can see that we are a hardworking school!
Well, I also think that certain games should have been included. Well, one of them was Climate Changers. They gave facts about these animals that are in danger in the Arctic.I really like their graphics too and I also think that to make a game, you must have an artistic vision. Well, that's all I have to say and I have much more to reach. Well, I am still going to say to myself on the first day of school, "Make a playable game and go on to the Globeys again like I did in 8th grade, so I can be recognized again!" By the way, I was nominated for Special Recognition and I give thanks to Mrs. Arcos because she was the one that helped me with choosing the Social Issue or topic!

Monday, May 14, 2012

My Comments

Find Your Way-Your Choice*Thelma*
Well, I really liked your game because it taught me about Teen Pregnancy and the facts of it. I also liked the graphics because they are well drawn and so cute! I also liked that you all chose this topic because it's a serious issue and your team made a really awesome job by explaining the facts and statistics, so good job on your game!
Very good job Thelma!

Find You Way-Your Choice?*Delaney*
Well, I really liked your game because it taught me about Teen Pregnancy and the facts of it. I also liked the graphics because they are well drawn and so cute! I also liked that you all chose this topic because it's a serious issue and your team made a really awesome job by explaining the facts and statistics, so good job on your game!

Find Your Way-Your Choice?*Aleida*
Well, I really liked your game because it taught me about Teen Pregnancy and the facts of it. I also liked the graphics because they are well drawn and so cute! I also liked that you all chose this topic because it's a serious issue and your team made a really awesome job by explaining the facts and statistics, so good job on your game!

Forest Rats-Green Bugs*Michael*
It was one of the best games! I really liked the animation, which looks complicated, but anyways, it was awesome. I think that this is a really interesting topic because I didn't even think about it. I also did like the facts because it makes your game more understandable. I also like the rat and at the beginning. Great job Michael, I really think you deserve something again!

No Gang;More Maze-La Sopa*Laura*
Laura, your game is like awesome! I really like your game because it's actually challenging because when you hit the lines it brings you back to the spot you were. I also like your graphics, it's well drawn and with bright things. I also like the way you put time too, which makes it even harder. Finally, I did learn about gangs and what are the percentages. This game is just amazing!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

My Top 3 Choices

-Top 3:
  1. Find Your Way  3-III Arcos Your Choice?
  2. Forest Rats  3-III Arcos Green Bugs
  3. No Gang;More Maze 3-III La Sopa

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Final Game

Ana Orozco Posted 5-8-12 Copyright

The name of my team is Yellow Star.
The title of my game is Race to the White House.
The topic of my game is about the Presidential Race of 2012.
The Learning Goal is for you to learn what does a candidate say when asked questions, maybe in real life. When this candidate wins, he/she becomes the U.S president. Not only that, but who makes a good president.
The player will learn about this topic by playing my game by knowing about the candidates too. They can learn what he/she plans to do. If you like his/her idea, then you vote for them. Not only in Race to the White House, but also the real election, that will be taken place in November 6, 2012, so that way, they can vote in real life.
Well, I would've liked to make the winning scenes a little more exciting and at least something with animation.
The most challenging thing in this game was to know what kind of things you wanted to include in your Primary, Secondary, and Winning Scene. This is about the Presidential Race, so it was difficult what to plan in your game and I didn't really want any violence or shooting, since they think about that all the time.
I am really proud of my game because this year, I got to create my OWN ideas. When you are in a team, things might get complicated, in terms of working TOGETHER. One might want something, but the other person might like something else, so I think it's best to work alone, to also improve your skills. Another thing is that you actually learn    by creating alone. For instance, I learned how to work with buttons better, which is the thing that I am most proud of because before, I couldn't make them work, so yeah, I am proud at myself too.

Monday, March 19, 2012


Respect has many definitions. Not only it means to respect your peers, but it can also mean respect for other property. For example, when you are getting markers, when you are finished, you are not going to just put them with other colors. You are going to place them nicely and match them with their own color. A very important thing when it comes to respect, is that before you begin respecting your peers or surroundings, you must respect yourself. How are you going to be able to respect others, when you don't respect yourself? That's another thing, when you don't respect yourself, then you don't respect other people, and that may cost you your friendship with other people. If you don't have respect for anybody, including yourself, then you might as well notice that you will not have any respect, unless you are with a disrespectful or a bully person. Respect is paying attention to the teacher when he/she is talking. If you talk, then you are being disrespectful and when you take that action, you lose their respect to you, and you earn yourself maybe a warning, to not do it again because when you do, you might get in some sort of trouble. Respect is to help out your community. You don't want to live in a dump! You want to live like in paradise, everything clean, no trash, and even with fresh air. When you do that, you have respect for your community. I think that the best way to show respect is when you are being obedient to your parents. We all know that sometimes they can be rough on us, that they don't let us do whatever we want, or maybe they just don't feel you are old enough. I have personally experienced that, and I think that it's a way to realize that we all need respect. Respect is everywhere, including with your pets too!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Yellow Star Game Demo

I created my Game Demo in Flash Ana Orozco Copyright 2012 Posted 03-02-12

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Hunger Games Game

I created this mini game in Flash Ana Orozco Copyright 2011

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Notes 2-23-12

My job is to finish all of the scenes that I am going to put for the Game Demo. Since I have to have completed the Intro, Team Introduction, Audience, Gameplay, only that I have completed the Intro and the Team Intro, due to codes, I just need to complete the other ones. I also have to finish the Learning Goal, the Fun Factor, the Smart Factor, Style Factor, and Originality Factor. Each time I have made changes to my Game Demo, I have to save it as my Team Name_ and whatever scene we are in. For example, if I am doing the Intro, I will save it as YellowStar_Intro.I also have to add the previous button for the players to go back, if they didn't understand the instructions. When I am in the Audience scene, I have to get away from the line that says,"This game is for everyone!" I have to say this specific age.For the Style Factor, since my game is about the Presidential Race, for the background I can put stripes, due to the U.S. flag. So far, I am completing the scenes, it's just that I have to put codes, so that the scene can go to the other ones.

Thursday, February 9, 2012


I think that NIKE is being unfair with these people because they are working so hard, that they only get paid $1.25.I help my aunt clean her truck and I get paid $5.00! Well, first of all I hate Nike shoes because I don't even like them and second of all, we should do something about this problem.People in Indonesia have been treated unfairly because workers work hard for it and worst of all, they get paid so little, that not even a half gallon costs $1.25!I agree with Jim Kitty because he is trying to find a way to stop this nonsense.I like what he said, "The American way is by democracy...everybody should have the same equal rights." I totally agree with all this because no matter if we didn't go to school and say that we are young, we are all the same, people in Indonesia are no different from us.Not only they are getting paid little, but they don't even get to see their children, and children don't get to go to school.If children don't get to go to school, then they wont have any education.This is really bad because they will not know anything about real life, and by going to school, they can realize that they are taking advantage of them.A thing that upsets me from the video was that, Jim found a lot of Nike products that are thrown away and are burned.This affects to the children because Jim said that these products have toxins and they can harm children by breathing this.By breathing this, this can cause cancer to them.Another thing that affects this in a negative way, is nature.The air, plants, and trees can die and when this goes to the air, it causes pollution, which can also cause Global Warming.Well, I didn't really knew that Nike was causing all this trouble to innocent people.Even though I didn't know about this, I am totally against Nike now!Well, we can probably give donations to school's and then they can provide a certain type of education to children that can't go to school.It's also unfair that they give them a contract, but they don't print it with the language that they speak.Well, since they don't know what it is or what it says, then they just sign it, thinking that they are going to have a good job, and what's worse, is that if they don't know what it says, then they are just saying that they are going to work 3 years, not knowing what they are going to do to them.I also think that they are so mean because they care more of making money, but they don't care about their workers lives, which is ridiculous because they are a big big big company.Yet, they care about making more money.Although I do think that they made the right choice giving them a better home!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Object in the Sky!

How could you take this real-life event and turn this into a game?
Well, if I had made a game about Science and things about the stars and meteors, then I would've maybe tell facts about what happened and then put the green (object) shooting through the sky.I don't really have much of an idea on ow to make this a game because maybe people will think they are UFO's and then they will think of other things.Maybe we can show the map and then locate the locations where the object passed through.

What genre would you focus on?
I would focus on Strategy because it includes a real-life situation, in this case, it was true that they saw a green object.

What skill or topic would your game teach?
Well, I think that the topic that will go best with this kind of real-life situation would be environment.Why?Well, it's true that it did happen and that it came from the sky.

What would the player have to do in the game?
Well, maybe the player can answer if he/she has seen a thing like this in their life.Then maybe they will see an example of what they saw.They will then answer questions that have to do with space and maybe the environment.

What would the hero of your game look like?The enemy?
The hero, well, maybe the hero would be yourself because you have completed a mission or the objective of the game.The enemy will maybe be yourself because you didn't complete the mission or objective.

What type of animations of sounds would the player see and hear?
Well, it's obvious that the object will be moving through the sky and the sounds they will hear is the shooting through the sky, maybe like, SWOOSH!

What would be the title of your game?
The title of my game would be the same, Fireball or aliens?Why?The title is what interests the player to play.

I created this scene in Flash Ana Orozco Copyright 2012

Thursday, January 26, 2012

My Gaming Habits

What types of games do you enjoy playing?
I enjoy playing games that have to do with doing exercise, such as Wii Sports, Wii Resort, Just Dance, and Wii Fitness.

When did you begin playing games, on what type of game system?
Well, first of all, I didn't even know that games existed when I was like 5.The first game that I had played was, Mario Kart, on the Nintendo, something.

Do your parents/guardians limit the amount of time you are allowed to play games?
Well, at first they didn't.After a while, since my mom and my uncle didn't say anything to us, my brother would be 6 hours straight playing the Wii or the Game Cube.When my grandma and my other aunt toll my mom and uncle, we were only allowed to play for 1 hour, but sometimes when my brother didn't listen to him, he would either let him play only 30 minutes or to not play it at all, so my family was pretty strict about playing games.

Do you think it is possible to get completely addicted to playing video games?Why or why not?
Well, yes because on the news, I heard that one man was always playing games, day to night to the next day.Well, the more he played, the more brain damage it caused him.Well, then it was the other day, when he died because of playing too much games. That is another reason why my mom and uncle limited the time on us, more to my brother, but since he broke the thing to show the little hand on the Wii, he can't play anymore.While my brother was so mad at me me, I don't know why, my mom was happy that it happened.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Strive to get to Exemplary

I created this in Flash Ana Orozco Copyright 2012

Thursday, January 19, 2012


ActionScript is programming language that is used in Flash.
These are some of the things that you can program:
  • Buttons
  • Collision Detection
  • Scrolling Background
  • Animation
  • Mouse Cursor
  • Keyboard Control
  • Platforms
  • Objects
  • Codes
  • Drag and Drop
  • Keyframes
  • Layers
  • Jumping

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Flash Reminders

1.) Place everything in its own layer, especially when you will have maybe a scene that has too many objects.

2.) Place corresponding layers in the same files, meaning if you have too many layers, you can put them in a folder.

3.) Label your layers and folders. Give them just an easy name to not forget.

4.) You MUST assign Instance Names to all symbols. If you have everything right, like the code and everything is in its own layer, but doesn't work well, then you are missing the Instance Name.

5.) Upload ALL of your work to the Wiki, whether its complete or not. If you do this, then you can always go back and fix it.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Gamefication, Game Design, or Game Mechanics-What?

What do you learn in Globaloria?
- I learn lots of things in this class.I learn how to make animated games, how to use the new version of Flash, and how to program the Wiki.

Think about all of the skills you have learned over the past and a half years. Name at least five of these skills.
- Well, one of the things that I have really learned is how to do Motion Tweens.They are my favorite because when you make whatever object, the movie turns out good. I also know how to create Keyboard Control, one of my favorite codes.I also know how to use the code of Adding Buttons a little bit.It's not really my favorite, but it's really useful.I know how to animate the objects.That makes the movie even interesting and fun.Lastly, I know how to add the scenes, the easiest part of making a movie.

How can these skills prepare you for a successful academic future and how could you use these skills to find a great job?Remember, you do not have to grow up and be a game designer to use the skills you are learning in Globaloria.
-Well, these are skills that I only use in Flash.I have other skills that I learn in Globaloria.You have noticed that Globaloria is a class where you learn how to design games and can talk to new people.This has helped to communicate with new people that I don't hang out with.Since I plan to be a meteorologist, I think that I can have a great experience in Globaloria by checking new people.

Gamefication is the act of adding game elements to something that doesn't have them and to solve problems.It encourages users to engage the desired behaviors too.

Game Design is when you create a game.

Goals for the New Semester

My goals for this semester are:
1. Pay more attention in Social Studies
2. Try to be more active, to not be shy as well!
3. Be more respectful to my family
4. Get all A's and B's
5. To be even more organized with my things
6. To make more friends, talk to the people that I don't hang out with
7. To not cheat out of others
8. To turn in my work when it's due
9. Try to get a cellphone (an IPhone)
10. To pass all the STAAR tests!

Goals for the New Semester

My goals for this semester are:
1. Pay more attention in Social Studies
2. Try to be more active, to not be shy as well!
3. Be more respectful to my family
4. Get all A's and B's
5. To be even more organized with my things
6. To make more friends, talk to the people that I don't hang out with
7. To not cheat out of others
8. To turn in my work when it's due
9. Try to get a cellphone (an IPhone)
10. To pass all the STAAR tests!

Goals for the New Semester

My goals for this semester are:
1. Pay more attention in Social Studies
2. Try to be more active, to not be shy as well!
3. Be more respectful to my family
4. Get all A's and B's
5. To be even more organized with my things
6. To make more friends, talk to the people that I don't hang out with
7. To not cheat out of others
8. To turn in my work when it's due
9. Try to get a cellphone (an IPhone)
10. To pass all the STAAR tests!