Monday, November 26, 2012

Add Hidden Objects

What was it like to program in Flash for the first time?
Well, it hasn't been for the first time, but I guess it was easy. Adding hidden objects is one of the things that I like doing in Flash because when it comes to putting the codes, it's something fun. I think that when putting the codes, it's really frustrating when you are just beginning, but if you're like me: once knowing what to do for every object, it's a piece of cake! Most people are like that, they might have trouble with it for the first time, but of course, if they keep practicing, it will be incredibly easy for them.

What kind of game action would you like to add next?
Well, I would love to start by actually having codes where the player can actually find the hidden object games. I think that when you get a jump start with the code, it will be easier to when the game is due. Plus, if you don't like the way you did something, you can always go back and edit whatever you don't like. 

Monday, November 19, 2012

Draw Background

What it was like to draw your background in Flash?
Well, drawing my background in Flash was kind of hard and kind of easy. I mean, drawing in Flash is what I like the most, but putting the codes can be a little frustrating. Well, I drew the background and the objects, but I wanted to do more than just a simple scene, so instead of making the objects movie clips, I made them into buttons. Yeah, I have to admit that I kind of forgot how to make the buttons go to another scene and for them to not be repeated in the same scene, but in the end, I started to experiment, and yeah, I only did 3 objects to make them into buttons and go to another scene. I think that the most difficult thing, was to make the buttons go to another scene. I think that I did a pretty good job completing this assignment, but if we had more time for when it was due, I assure you that I would've made the background even cooler! I know I'm no expert in Flash, but if you know like the basic things, then you can make an object do anything!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Post-Election Day 2012

Well, was your prediction correct? What do you think about the results?
My prediction was correct because I knew that Barack Obama was going to win. Well, let me be honest. I knew that he was going to win, but towards the end, I started to get worried because Mitt Romney started to get lots of votes in other states such as, Alabama, which voted him for 100%. I'm really not surprised because Obama has been a good president since he became one. He has proven in the debates that he is awesome when it comes to competing. He clearly wants to change America and that's what we all want! Well, the results were actually shocking, like I said, Alabama voted for Mitt Romney 100%. In the end, Barack Obama won! YEAH WE WON!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Paper Prototype 1

What did you learn from creating a game with paper and pencil?
Well, I myself learned about staying healthy while I was drawing some of the pictures. I researched on healthy breakfast and I found an Egg McMuffin, but it turns out that it has too much of calories. Wheat bread it way better than white bread, and I've noticed that when you eat white bread, it gets stuck to  your teeth...something that is deeply annoying! Actually, yes, I did learn while I was drawing the Paper Prototype. In another way, planning your game with paper and pencil is way better that to just put them into play. When you are planning, you are also brainstorming and you want to put a lot of ideas, that while you are working, another idea comes to the top of your head! With paper and pencil, it's easy to imagine your game.

What was easy about drawing your hidden object game? What was hard?
Well, for me, I think that drawing the unhealthy and healthy foods were easy because I have chosen to eat healthy in real life. You could say that I kind of know what is healthy for you and what not eat all the time. A real problem is to not eat much of one food. For example, hot cheetos and takis. That was probably hard for me. When I eat cheetos, I didn't eat like just a pinch, but I ate the whole bag which was...not acceptable! The hardest thing was when we had to decide what will be going on when the Primary Game Scene was in play because we had like a ton of ideas.

What do you need to still add to your game?
Well, we need to add the instructions scene, the winning/losing scene, maybe the credits page, and of course other levels, if we decide to make more.