I really feel kind of tired and smart because,we have been working with our games and have done our Learning Log,and the other stuff that has to do with our game,so I really feel smart about that.I have learned many things in Technology,well,it's basically what Ms.Miller tells you,Learning Log,our games,and to our Blog too,so it's really basically what she tells you to do and other stuff too.I really haven't struggled with nothing it's just basically what she tells you to do,how easy is that.Some of the ideas that I have for the class is to listen to the teacher because you know that many students play in the computer,and don't want to stop playing it because it's their best game that they had ever played.If we pay attention, (more attention)we will be done with our assignments that she give us and we will be able to have free time and you wont catch up with the class or wont worry that much because you have completed the assignments that she assingned you.I don't really want to have changes in Techno,logy because I think that the way it looks like really is,fair.The fun ideas that I have for Technology are to have free time the way it is,but that doesn't make any changes because it's really fair because we need more learning rather to have more free time,so I don't think that is fair.Also,to work on our games because we are really taking this serious and I want it to look good,so others can play it and to play with the Flash because doing the movie just makes it really realistic and it is also fun playing with it!I also feel really working my mind and that is really good for me because you are learning something that you haven't ever learned or never have seen in you whole life and that you are curious about it,but you are really learning something.That's what I think of Technology.
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