My role is to be the Team Captain and it requires to keep people working and don't get distracted by the other because some people don't like to be distracted and they are working hard to get their game done,so that's what my role is and what Team Captain's do.I'm not sure if I'm good at this job because I really work hard to get the work that Ms.Miller gives us to get it done so we wont have after school and it's also good to work on it and finish it a school because,you will get a good grade on it if you finish it that day,so when if you see on your report card that you got a 20 for not finishing it the same day,it's probably because you were distracted and you decided to not do the work.I really like it because I'm doing the best I can,so my team wont get a 0 on their work.We didn't really have any of disagreements because we all chose a role and everyone seemed to agree with it.Well,Maely is-Secretary Chris O. is -Updates the stuff Chris F. is-Expert on Flash Erik is-Blogger we really resolved them that quickly because before Ms.Miller gave us her instruction we had already made positions.I'm looking forward on finishing my game because I really want to see and play with it when we had finished it and my team too and we are all really excited about the game that we are creating together.The inspiration of my game is that I'm looking forward to my game because our topic is Teen Pregnancy and it's an issue in communities and that's why we decided to choose my topic it is an issue that has to do with Education,so that's why I have inspiration for our game.We are not going to give up on our game because others will play and learn from it.We are waiting for that day to come when our game is finished so others can play it,and enjoy it!
Hi Ana How are you doing? I really like ur blog, ur a very good writer I think that you love to blog, there's lots of writing in there. I alos love your topics ur the same as me. We are both doing teen pregnancy ok bye miss you.♥