On Field Day we were doing activities that were so fun that Ms.Penticuff made a game of throwing Pies at her,but we could only throw a pie at her if we answered a question correctly of RADIUS,DIAMETER,and CIRCUMFERENCE.Well,it wasn't that easy to answer the questions.Well anyways,I really really had a fun day because the teachers and the principal were so kind to us because I don't think if we had gone to another school,we wouldn't have all that fun and wont have all those activities to play,that's why I think that they were so kind to us to make this a fun day!There were some problems that caused a lot of trouble,and for that reason we went inside because some students were really bad in the day and they think that it is fun for them to do those things,but I can tell them that they are wrong because some students think that it is funny to break the rules,but I think that it's not really fair.Why?Because the teachers thought really hard of going home with a fun day and have SPRING BREAK for us to not get a boring day doing work all day,but the teachers might notice that we can't handle it with having fun.Besides that,I think that everyone was having more fun on playing football and throwing Ms.Penticuff a cake at her face!I really had fun in the station of playing football,since I don't how to play football or catch it,but I tried my best and i did it good!That was like in the middle of the day and I think that we could've done it better if we had behaved better.Anyways,I did enjoy the day with my friends!
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