The Age Of Stupid
I really liked the movie because they are explaining why is the world been changing.Like for example,Global Warming is affecting to the Glaciers because they are melting down and for the people is sad because they are seeing how the world is changing.They were also talking about how Oil is the main problem of why the world is changing.Some of these people don't know about these things,but the groceries that we buy are from oil because the food needs to be transported because that's what trucks need,they need oil to run.Nigeria which is in Africa that country is very poor because of the oil that is killing off the fish and instead of having a lot of fish,they have little because they are already polluted.A company named Shell,wanted to make a company there,but people from there,they didn't want them to put one.The military came and started shooting people and some of these people hided on the forest which they didn't even eat a whole week.When they were thirsty they would drink of water that had been dirty,and some of these women that had hidden were pregnant and because they had been drinking that dirty water their children died.I think that oil is the main cause for having too much disasters around the world especially for the species that live on the water.Some people don't even know about why these disasters happen.The people of Nigeria want to have the kind of life that America has because they want things that we want like bedrooms for example.There was also a Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans,so it destroyed many of the things they had.Some people were talking about having wind farms,but people did not agree with the idea.Some people protested because it blocked their view,but that doesn't make any sense.Other people in other places protest too because they wanted to double the tunnel,but other people disagreed and they got onto the street and didn't want any transportation like trucks,but that wasn't enough.Still people disagree in many things.I really liked this video it tells so much how is the world changing even more.
Great blog! - Lindsey, Globaloria Intern.