Thursday, December 1, 2011
About My Topic
About My Topic
Friday, November 18, 2011
Game Idea-Imagining Your Game
Choosing A Topic
Monday, November 7, 2011
Civics; National Politics
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
March Of The Penguins
Monday, October 24, 2011
Reflection On Game Genres
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Playing to Learn, Genre: Sports & Racing
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Playing to Learn, Genre: Strategy
Strategy games are games that involve Critical thinking and you have to analyze the situation.Critical Thinking because sometimes you have to develop a plan to get to a certain level.You also have to know what your goal is to get to a certain place or level.
2. The Game that taught me information about a new or existing social issue:
Draw Play taught me more like an educational issue because it involves only Critical Thinking and also you have to analyze what will happen if you draw your game like this.
3. The game or games I liked the best:
Draw Play because it made me mad because the levels get harder and most of the time I got frustrated because it's not easy at all.
4. What happens in the game or games:
In the game, you make your own game!You make your own strategy to get to the flag and to get to the next level.
5. How you play the game or games:
You play the game by using only the arrow keys, that way you can move your character to get to the goal: the flag.
Monday, October 10, 2011
Playing To Learn;Genre: Puzzles/Mazes
1. The Game that taught me a new skill or subject:
Elemental Elegance showed me about science and it has to do with the elements.
The game that I liked the best is Elemental Elegance.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Playing to Learn, Genre: Adventure
The game that taught me not a new educational skill, but something that I can do in my community was the Synchronized Saviors because at the beginning it says to recycle and that's something you can do to keep our planet Earth clean.
The game Synchronized Saviors because we all know that this game is going to be something about keeping our Earth green.
4. What happens in the game or games:Well, what you have to do in the game is that you have to pick up the trash and sometimes you are given instructions to put wind mills, seeds, so that way it can stay green.Also you have something you have to put, so that way it can clear off the pollution.
5. How you play the game or games:You play the game by picking up the trash, so you can clear all that pollution.Also put resources like for example, wind mills or maybe seeds, so that way all of that CO2 in the air, gets cleared off.By doing that, you can live in a pacific and healthy place.
Monday, October 3, 2011
Playing To Learn, Genre: Action
Survivor.Well, from what I understand about the game is that when I went into the game, a page showed up and it talked about the character escaping from the Nazi people.This educational skill can be found in the category of Social Studies, which I think we will learn more about it.
Game I liked best:
What happens in the game:
How do you play it:
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Gamers Solve Scientific Problems
Well, they untangled the structure of a protein that could be used to eliminate the AIDS virus in humans.
What can critical thinking do for science?
If you could solve a mystery through gaming for any kind of disease or illness in the world, what would it be?
Monday, September 19, 2011
Mini Game
Friday, September 9, 2011
Well,I was 3 years old when I still didn't go to school and didn't about the tragedy that had happened to out twin towers.
I don't like the idea because there were many lives that were in there, and they think that it is okay to make a game about it that has been happened in real life?I mean,it's really not funny,fun,or with laughter, it was a big deal.Imagine you in the towers or even outside the towers?
I think that it is bad because lots and lots and lots of people did die outside or inside the twin towers and making it a video game is really not fun because,they are just making that video for money?I just think that they don't have any respect or at least feel sad because those people were millions, even kids.I just think that it's not good for them to create a game that did happen in real life.
Monday, August 29, 2011
2 Single Story 2011
What does it mean to have a 'single story' about a place or community?
To have a single story about a place or community I think it is when they hear about you or see maybe in the news or some place else, is when they say about things about you that maybe they aren't true.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
2 Cyberbully 2011
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
1 Cyberbullying 2011
What is a cyberbully?
A cyberbully can be anyone that is being mean to you on the Internet.
What are the different types of cyberbullying?
The different types of cyberbullying are gossip bullies that says mean things to you and spread rumors about you,exclude,or a bully that threatens you.
What should you do if you are being cyberbullied?
You should tell to a trusted adult.
What are some reasons that people cyberbully others?
Maybe because other people have bullied them before and then they might think that bullying others might make them feel better.They also want to have power,so maybe they can get their respect.They can also be jealous by you for having a good time or a good life.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Winding Down
Our team name is The Changers.
What is the name of your game?
The name of our game is Look Up At The Animals.
What is it about?What scenes have you completed?
Our game is about saving the species that are being endangered by many harmful things such as pollution.We have completed all scenes that are in our game and that includes all 4 levels.
What parts of your team page are completed?
All of the parts in our team page are completed and one of those are the resource page,the Primary Game Scene,the Secondary Scene,the Final Scene,and the Additional Scene where you have your losing and winning scene.
How much more work do you need to complete?
We don't really have more work to complete because all of our scenes are completed,so that means that we have all 4 levels have been finished.
What can you do from now until Friday to get everything finished and turned in?
Well,what we can do to accomplish those 2 goals is that,we can check in the Game Gallery again to see if all 4 levels are finished.When we have checked that everything is in its place,we can just tell the teacher that we are finished and that we are ready to get started for what other people think about our game.
What grade would you give yourself in Gloabloria overall?
In my opinion,I would give myself an 100 because I've worked diligently for this team to get it where it belongs.We have done many things that are hard to do,well not hard anymore because we learned many stuff,but we as a group have worked diligently.
What are all of the things that you have learned in Gloabloria?
I've learned many stuff in Globaloria this year that I didn't learn in 6th grade.I've learned how to work the codes out and how to make them work.I've learned about to make the code work,you need to put the object an instance name and many many other stuff.
What are you proud of in Globaloria?
The things that I am proud of in Globaloria is that,I've finally learned how to work the codes out,I know how to use or treat the computer properly,and most of all,I've learned how to put our game together.Since last year in 6th grade,we didn't actually had the opportunity to put it together,now I know that putting a game together is pretty easy!
How can you improve next year?
Next year I think is going to be more cool because our game is going to have a better game concept or meaning the genre and social issue.Also,we our team next year,are going to improve by making the game more real like when you play real games in the computer.Actually that's the thing that I have been thinking about,thinking that,how is next year going to be like?
Monday, April 11, 2011
Ana O. 13 2011
Monday, March 28, 2011
Ana O. 11 2011

The new Nintendo 3DS is a game console developed and manufactured by Nintendo 3D without using any glasses.The Nintendo 3DS features backward compatibility with Nintendo DS series software,including DSi software.It also has a 3D Depth Slider that allows you to immediately adjust the intensity the 3D settings on the 3DS System.Something interesting that I liked was that the Motion Sensor can react to the motion and tilt of the system,so if the players are tilting or moving sideways the Nintendo,then it responds instantly.It costs $250.00 because it has all of this new stuff in there.I think that it is a cool game console because it has all these things in there,although it is kind of expensive,it would be cool having it.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Ana O. 10 2011
Monday, March 21, 2011
Ana O. 9 2011

I think that it was really sad that people did die by the tsunami that covered most of Japan.I really think that the kids that were in there were all hungry and scared because they have known what can happen to places if these disastrous things happen.The people were also giving them food for them to not be starving,but you can also see that it wasn't like a lot of food for them to last a long time because all of the food,electricity,and homes were all destroyed,but they have at least food for them to eat.The way I see it was that the tsunami or earthquake was a severe damage for Japan,all of it had been destroyed by the water.As we all know,tsunami's,earthquakes,and other natural disasters can harm to places and to other people.Others like family memebers,friends,and other people, have died because of that cause.The things that I or we can do is to give the children food,so that way the food would last longer for the kids to be fed.We can also tell about these natural disasters for some people that don't even know them.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Ana O. 8 2011

I think that it was pretty cool because now with the PSP,you can also touch te back of it to make moves on whatever game that you are playing.That also tells us that the Technology in these days,is getting much advanced because now the games and other electronics are popular.They also have the true name that is named the "PSP NGP" which sounds even cooler when you have heard of it.I also like that people are now thinking on making the electronics be more cooler and fancier.In the video,it looks like you are controlling the game by just moving it by side to side or just touching the bottom of it.I really liked the idea that you can do whatever you want with it.It has the bottom of it,you can use it as a phone,it works as a camera,and it has Internet too.It was pretty smart for them and I guess hard for them too because with all those things in the system,would take an amount of time.Since it is an electronic that is becoming really popular,it may cost a lot of money!
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Ana O. 6 2011
--What does teamwork mean to you?--
I think that teamwork means to me working together as a team and never let each other down.
When they are dancing with their partner they are trying to get to know their partner,so that way at the end they will work together.
--How do you see these students trying to work together?--
I see that they are trying their best by dancing together even if they are shy.They are also trying to talk to each other while they are dancing because maybe if they wouldn't be able to communicate,they would end up stepping onto each other.They also provide opportunities for the other people who want to learn things that are new.They were also talking about how the girls feel like uncomfortable when the teacher comes and dances with them, so they are already knowing how to start a conversation and what are the things that they don't like.
--How important was teamwork for these students?--
It was important to them because now they are getting close to the competition,so now they are working so hard for them to know how to dance with their partner.
When they were announcing who were going to the semi-finals,everybody who didn't got picked,they were each supporting each other.
Working as a team helped some of the students.
One of the students was really close to be a street kid,but within the dancing,he changed his path on being a dancer.
--What do you think is the main message that these students should take away from this experience?--
I think that the message is that we have to work as a team if we want to reach the things that we want.Also,we have to support each other when we are having problem about something that makes us feel bad and not wanting to do anything.
--How will you work together with your teammates in Globaloria?--
We will work in our team by making an agreement when we don't know what to do.We can also support each other when we are having difficulties maybe with Flash.Most importantly,we have to work as a team by doing the things together and having fun with them.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Ana O. 6 2011
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Ana O. 5 2011
The thing that you have to do for this game is that you need to rescue the animals,but you have to be very fast because J. Lo chases you for you not to get the animals and then you got to start over if she gets to catch you.Each animal that you get, you will earn points.Other things like a lady in Level 1 or people, they have points too.Once you have wasted 3 lifes, you will restart the levels again.
I think that Social Issue is Saving the animals such as Endangered Species.I think that it is because even in the instructions says that you have to save them or else you will lose the game.
It teaches it to the player because it includes on helping the animals that are in trouble and they are hard to save in the enviornment.
Super Chick Sisters
You have to pass the Level to go to another world.You can also collect birds or whatever they are to get point and save them too.
I think that the Social Issue is saving the animals that are being mistreated.I think that it is because it has some signs about the facts about it.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Ana O. 4 2011
At the beginning of the movie, Jimmy is walking down the highway. Where is he going?
To California
What is the problem that the little boy, Jimmy, has?
He is tramatized.
Jimmy likes to satck and build things.How does this relate to video games?
Video games have patterns in it and they have different types of things in it.
Playing video games seems to help Jimmy feel better. Why do you think this is?
Because he remembers her twin sister Jennifer.
What makes him such an awesome video game player?
On his first try, he got 50,000 points.In the end, he won $50,000 for 1st Place.
What kinds of games do you see being played? Have you ever played any games like this before? Megaman, Super Mario, Ninja Gaiden, Mr.Chaos, Simon's Quest, Zelda, and Super Mario Brothers.
How many different game systems do you see in the film?
The Arcade, the Nintendo Entertainment System.
What did you think about the Power Glove?
It was a glove that the remote is stuck to it and I think that it was pretty cool for them back then. I also think that it was cool too.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Ana O. 2 2011
I think that this game is pretty cool because it showed that you can create your own things for the ball to touch the star.I think that through out the game,you are only the character who is doing all of the work.I also noticed that you need to make your own strategy for the ball to hit the star and go to another level.I think that I can also put some of this strategies in my game because like I said,you are making your own strategy to pass to the next level.Some of this I think that it is easy to make your own strategy,but I think that it will only get even harder.I am not really sure if we will be able to put some of this stuff in our game because the player has to understand the game too,but I think that it is a great idea for them to figure it out,so the game can e more interested into them.This game is really fun to play and I think we can try putting it into our game!
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Ana O. 1 2011
My thoughts of the video that I saw was that,I think that it was pretty cool because I thought that the robot that helps in the hospital was really helpful for others.I also think that it was pretty cool of Google hosting a Science Fair because you can make your own ideas of what you want and from what I saw from the video is that you can choose a Science Fair that includes about your passion.I think that I did understand the girl that was talking because I think that her passion was on helping sick people.Also what's behind of the computers like when she said what will make a robot smart,the robot can move by putting it into words such as,moving forward.I don't really know if I can see myself because I'm not sure if I would be able to tell them my passion or be able to help other people..You are also making an experiment or project based on what was your passion.It would be exciting for people watching you on telling what is your experiment.I would like to do about life science because I think it's a good and interesting thing to work on.