The challenges that penguins have to overcome are, is to survive the cold storms, hunger, and get eaten by a predator.
The habitat challenges them each day because even though they are from the sea or ice, they have to survive the cold storms and survive from the predators.Also we all know that Antarctica is really cold and that fish can freeze to death, leaving no food for the penguins.
Well, they need to adapt themselves to the cold storms because there will be a lot.For them to stay warm, they get together and that will produce warmth for the penguins.They also need to take turns for the ones that are on the edge, to have the opportunity to stay warm.They also need to adapt themselves that there are going to be predators and they will need to protect themselves.
Snow and storms cover most of Antarctica and maybe that's what's affecting the climate because they can freeze to death and that means that if fish is disappearing, less food and more hunger for the penguins.It would be hard to give birth, since it's freezing.The ice will start cracking, since the Earth is rotating and there's more sunlight in the North Pole.If it's cracking, they don't have nowhere to go and that means if penguins are dying and can't give birth to chicks because the sea is too cold for them to give birth, less penguins would be.With no penguins, they will become an endangered specie.
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