Friday, November 18, 2011

Game Idea-Imagining Your Game

WHO are you designing your game for?
I am designing this game for people or voters for them to know how the Presidential Race works and who will make a good president, well I will make this game from ages maybe 12 +
WHAT will your game teach the player about your topic?
This game will teach voters who will make a good president and will handle the things the right way, and how the Presidential Race works.
WHERE does your game happen?
Describe the world you will design for your game.
How will this setting add to the learning experience?
The game happens when the Presidential Race is taking place and that would be maybe in the White House in November 6, 2012
This setting will help the player learn because they will now know that the Presidential Race is important and where it will take place.
HOW does your game world teach the player about your topic?
What happens in the world that helps the player learn?
How does the player use what they learned to make something happen in the game?
This game teaches people because they will basically learn about the Presidential Race and who will make a good president.The player will use this in the real world by choosing the right candidate.
WHY is a game a better way of understanding your topic than a quiz?
Well, I think, that it's because a quiz doesn't really have any visual stuff, and with a game, you can understand and see a whole lot better!

Choosing A Topic

I chose this topic, which is the Presidential Race 2012, because I think it's an interesting topic.I also think that it's best to learn about this topic because people, or the voters, don't want to vote for a candidate that's going to do things wrong while he/she is the president of the United States.They want to vote for a candidate that will know how to handle things and if they are really a good president, then they will know to vote for him/her again.Some people might not even know how the Presidential Race works, so that's why I thought that maybe I can make a game on how it works and the candidates thoughts through out the Race.They need to know that the Presidential Race is not about who is your favorite candidate, it's about who will make a good president and who will handle things the right way.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Civics; National Politics

Herman Cain's Political Ad

My thoughts of this political ad, is that nobody would want to vote for a person that does the ad wrong, especially when they have a lot of things wrong on a commercial.The things that were wrong were:
1.)The man that was talking, is not even the one that is running for president.
2.)There was a huge problem when he stopped talking because he was smoking on the commercial, which is not appropriate.
3.)When he finished talking, Herman Cain gave a creepy smile on the commercial.
Well, these were the things that I thought were mostly wrong.My thoughts will be mostly negative with this Herman Cain person like, who would believe an ad that has smoking included in the commercial and by doing that, he is still saying,"Together we can pull this country", I mean it's just ridiculous!The man is saying things about Herman Cain and all different kind of things, and still comes out with a cigarette!This has been one of the, well, one of the craziest, funny, and false ads that I have ever seen.Herman Cain doesn't want to support the health care thing because he is saying that it's not their problem that people are poor.I mean that's just talking mean!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

March Of The Penguins

The challenges that penguins have to overcome are, is to survive the cold storms, hunger, and get eaten by a predator.
The habitat challenges them each day because even though they are from the sea or ice, they have to survive the cold storms and survive from the predators.Also we all know that Antarctica is really cold and that fish can freeze to death, leaving no food for the penguins.
Well, they need to adapt themselves to the cold storms because there will be a lot.For them to stay warm, they get together and that will produce warmth for the penguins.They also need to take turns for the ones that are on the edge, to have the opportunity to stay warm.They also need to adapt themselves that there are going to be predators and they will need to protect themselves.
Snow and storms cover most of Antarctica and maybe that's what's affecting the climate because they can freeze to death and that means that if fish is disappearing, less food and more hunger for the penguins.It would be hard to give birth, since it's freezing.The ice will start cracking, since the Earth is rotating and there's more sunlight in the North Pole.If it's cracking, they don't have nowhere to go and that means if penguins are dying and can't give birth to chicks because the sea is too cold for them to give birth, less penguins would be.With no penguins, they will become an endangered specie.