Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Hunger Games Game

I created this mini game in Flash Ana Orozco Copyright 2011

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Notes 2-23-12

My job is to finish all of the scenes that I am going to put for the Game Demo. Since I have to have completed the Intro, Team Introduction, Audience, Gameplay, only that I have completed the Intro and the Team Intro, due to codes, I just need to complete the other ones. I also have to finish the Learning Goal, the Fun Factor, the Smart Factor, Style Factor, and Originality Factor. Each time I have made changes to my Game Demo, I have to save it as my Team Name_ and whatever scene we are in. For example, if I am doing the Intro, I will save it as YellowStar_Intro.I also have to add the previous button for the players to go back, if they didn't understand the instructions. When I am in the Audience scene, I have to get away from the line that says,"This game is for everyone!" I have to say this specific age.For the Style Factor, since my game is about the Presidential Race, for the background I can put stripes, due to the U.S. flag. So far, I am completing the scenes, it's just that I have to put codes, so that the scene can go to the other ones.

Thursday, February 9, 2012


I think that NIKE is being unfair with these people because they are working so hard, that they only get paid $1.25.I help my aunt clean her truck and I get paid $5.00! Well, first of all I hate Nike shoes because I don't even like them and second of all, we should do something about this problem.People in Indonesia have been treated unfairly because workers work hard for it and worst of all, they get paid so little, that not even a half gallon costs $1.25!I agree with Jim Kitty because he is trying to find a way to stop this nonsense.I like what he said, "The American way is by democracy...everybody should have the same equal rights." I totally agree with all this because no matter if we didn't go to school and say that we are young, we are all the same, people in Indonesia are no different from us.Not only they are getting paid little, but they don't even get to see their children, and children don't get to go to school.If children don't get to go to school, then they wont have any education.This is really bad because they will not know anything about real life, and by going to school, they can realize that they are taking advantage of them.A thing that upsets me from the video was that, Jim found a lot of Nike products that are thrown away and are burned.This affects to the children because Jim said that these products have toxins and they can harm children by breathing this.By breathing this, this can cause cancer to them.Another thing that affects this in a negative way, is nature.The air, plants, and trees can die and when this goes to the air, it causes pollution, which can also cause Global Warming.Well, I didn't really knew that Nike was causing all this trouble to innocent people.Even though I didn't know about this, I am totally against Nike now!Well, we can probably give donations to school's and then they can provide a certain type of education to children that can't go to school.It's also unfair that they give them a contract, but they don't print it with the language that they speak.Well, since they don't know what it is or what it says, then they just sign it, thinking that they are going to have a good job, and what's worse, is that if they don't know what it says, then they are just saying that they are going to work 3 years, not knowing what they are going to do to them.I also think that they are so mean because they care more of making money, but they don't care about their workers lives, which is ridiculous because they are a big big big company.Yet, they care about making more money.Although I do think that they made the right choice giving them a better home!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Object in the Sky!

How could you take this real-life event and turn this into a game?
Well, if I had made a game about Science and things about the stars and meteors, then I would've maybe tell facts about what happened and then put the green (object) shooting through the sky.I don't really have much of an idea on ow to make this a game because maybe people will think they are UFO's and then they will think of other things.Maybe we can show the map and then locate the locations where the object passed through.

What genre would you focus on?
I would focus on Strategy because it includes a real-life situation, in this case, it was true that they saw a green object.

What skill or topic would your game teach?
Well, I think that the topic that will go best with this kind of real-life situation would be environment.Why?Well, it's true that it did happen and that it came from the sky.

What would the player have to do in the game?
Well, maybe the player can answer if he/she has seen a thing like this in their life.Then maybe they will see an example of what they saw.They will then answer questions that have to do with space and maybe the environment.

What would the hero of your game look like?The enemy?
The hero, well, maybe the hero would be yourself because you have completed a mission or the objective of the game.The enemy will maybe be yourself because you didn't complete the mission or objective.

What type of animations of sounds would the player see and hear?
Well, it's obvious that the object will be moving through the sky and the sounds they will hear is the shooting through the sky, maybe like, SWOOSH!

What would be the title of your game?
The title of my game would be the same, Fireball or aliens?Why?The title is what interests the player to play.

I created this scene in Flash Ana Orozco Copyright 2012