Monday, May 21, 2012

Local Kids Make Games

I thought that the article was really amazing because it really talks about us and how we, being young still, are creating our own games, based on the Social Issue that we picked.Well, Like I said, I really was amazed because not only they were talking about how great our school is by having Globaloria and making our games, but my game was included called, "Race to the White House," which I think is fabulous. Anyways, we are a very exemplary school for others to follow, since I think we are beyond the stars. As I said, I was so proud of myself because on the first day of school, I had many resolutions, and one was to make a playable game for other people to play and then make it to the Globeys. As you can see, I did make all the way, and for that, I am very honored and I have the privilege to see that my game was included in an important article where people can see that we are a hardworking school!
Well, I also think that certain games should have been included. Well, one of them was Climate Changers. They gave facts about these animals that are in danger in the Arctic.I really like their graphics too and I also think that to make a game, you must have an artistic vision. Well, that's all I have to say and I have much more to reach. Well, I am still going to say to myself on the first day of school, "Make a playable game and go on to the Globeys again like I did in 8th grade, so I can be recognized again!" By the way, I was nominated for Special Recognition and I give thanks to Mrs. Arcos because she was the one that helped me with choosing the Social Issue or topic!

1 comment:

  1. Ana,
    I loved your reflection. You did an excellent job each and every day of school. You have a bright future ahead of you Ana. I can't wait to see how far you go in life!
