Thursday, January 17, 2013

Presentation of Game

Describe your learning topic for the game. What is the most important thing you want your players to learn?
My learning topic for my game is Health. My game is about choosing and eating healthy foods. This is a very important topic because we want to maintain our bodies as healthy as possible. We don't want to result in having diabetes and have a high pressure. This is something that we all know. Believe me, all of us know that eating healthy is important, but people don't care. If you eat healthy, good beneficial things will come your way. You wont have to worry to get your blood tested of how much sugar you have. You will have a very tranquilizing life, with no worries.
What kind of research did you do? What did you learn about your topic?
I did research about healthy foods. All the research that I did was finding what kinds of foods are healthy and unhealthy and why they are considered to be that. I looked up interesting facts that I didn't  know, but have heard about. Now I know what kinds of foods you should consume in your everyday life. I learned much more about facts that seem a little shocking at first, but while you are thinking about it, you learn so much!
How did your ideas change as you worked on your game?
Well, at first, I didn't want to make the unhealthy objects into a button because I thought it was going to be a lot of work. Afterwards, I thought about it and it turned out that players would love to know more about why that kind of food is unhealthy. I wanted to do a timer, but then I thought that in real life, we are not to be pressured when we are making choices. As for staying healthy, we want to make the right choices.
What Game Ingredients and Help Center resources have been most useful to you so far, and why?
Well, at first, I didn't know how to program the Magnifying Glass. In fact, I couldn't get it to have the Zoom. The only way that I got it to work was by asking my classmates. I looked at how they were doing it, and it turned out to be like kind of easy, but yet still difficult. I myself learned how to add different scenes and how to go to them directly.
Which part of making the game was most difficult for you? How did you overcome this difficulty? What features are you most proud of your game?
Like I said, getting this assignment due on time, was pretty difficult. The other thing was the Magnifying Glass, but I overcame that obstacle by getting help from my classmates. Another thing was that getting more ideas was kind of hard, but in the end I just made something more simple,so that way players will have no difficulty in understanding the goal of my game. I am most proud of the way I made my game look. I didn't do it like all professional, but I drew it in a way where you would most likely have it in a situation.

1 comment:

  1. Ana for some reason I want to play your game I really Love your Ideas and I love how you came up with all the Ideas for the game and how It all ended up Like I really Love it Congratulations !
