Monday, November 19, 2012

Draw Background

What it was like to draw your background in Flash?
Well, drawing my background in Flash was kind of hard and kind of easy. I mean, drawing in Flash is what I like the most, but putting the codes can be a little frustrating. Well, I drew the background and the objects, but I wanted to do more than just a simple scene, so instead of making the objects movie clips, I made them into buttons. Yeah, I have to admit that I kind of forgot how to make the buttons go to another scene and for them to not be repeated in the same scene, but in the end, I started to experiment, and yeah, I only did 3 objects to make them into buttons and go to another scene. I think that the most difficult thing, was to make the buttons go to another scene. I think that I did a pretty good job completing this assignment, but if we had more time for when it was due, I assure you that I would've made the background even cooler! I know I'm no expert in Flash, but if you know like the basic things, then you can make an object do anything!


  1. This seems really interesting and I love the way you went into very detail with the process of making the background. I cant wait to play and see your game.

  2. Ana this seems very cool and interesting i love how you out a lot of details . I really can't wait until you finish your game .

  3. Good job on your blog. I think that is very interesting the plans that you have. I am exited to see your final game.
